Occasionally we offer a coupon for a BOGO or a $2 medium drink or something like that. But it is a coupon. It is not an event. Just like any other coupon, you have to give proof that you have it either by showing it to us on your phone or bringing the physical coupon. It even says on the bottom "Print out or show on your phone". So why do people think they can get it without showing me either one? Sure, if you know about it then you've received the coupon and I may just be nice and give it to you...if you tell me about it before you order. Tonight, I had a customer who didn't understand this, apparently. Here is how it went:
Me: Hey what can I get for you?
Customer: A medium hot mocha.
Me: Ok, a medium hot mocha. I will have your total for you at the window (because I was busy making drinks and wasn't able to get to a register to get the price)
Me: Hey. That will be 3.98.
(customer has an awkward look on her face and hands me card.)
Me: Do you need a receipt?
Customer: No
(I close the window and swipe her card and get her receipt)
Me: (handing her everything) Here you go.
Customer: I thought medium drinks were $2?
Me: They are only if you present us with a coupon either printed or on your phone.
Customer:....uh...oh....well it's FINE I guess... (drives off)
What I don't get is why a red flag didn't go up BEFORE I swiped her card. I told her the total at the window and was there long enough for her to mention that...but NO, it didn't dawn on her until after I had run the transaction through. Sorry, but I'm not going to bend over backwards to get you two dollars back. Especially since she used a card. I MIGHT have been willing to give it to her for $2 if she hadn't been such a herp derp, but frankly, I'm tired of everything. And this month, at least, I'm gonna need you all to keep the herp derp to a very very small minimum.
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