Saturday, November 20, 2010

save it for Helen Keller

(before you guys hate me for the title of this post, I just want you to know I didn't mean it to be derogatory, it just fit.)

Drive-thru headsets happen to be right next to our ears. You know, like headphones? So every time you yell, I'm almost positive each one of us with a headset on loses a little bit of hearing. You are contributing to the disintegration of  my ear drums and its components. Hearing aids...HERE I COME!

Think about it this way, when you talk to your friends in your own home, are you yelling the whole time you are speaking (hopefully the answer is no.)? Think of the drive-thru box as your friend you are speaking to and then use that voice previously mentioned. Unless you drive a large truck with a hemi and a diesel engine, you do not need to yell your drive-thru order.

Dane Cook does a wonderful impression of what it sounds like and *GASP!*, I have his video right here:

On the other end of the spectrum, I encourage you NOT to whisper at the drive-thru box. I should not have to ask you to repeat your order because it was inaudible. There is no prize for the person who can say their order the quietest. I'm not sure why you think this is appropriate.

So, let's recap: Stop yelling and stop whispering. Pretend you're talking to one friend in your living room.

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